Welcome to my Website!

This Site is largely just a passion project and a hub for my interests It also doubles as way for me to learn html and css, (and also maybe javascript maybe...)

Those interests being...


This is the first update!: 06/29/23 - Added an update log, about me, glow on center border fixed music text overflow, added glow to update border.
07/3/23 - Styled the video games and aviation page.
07/5/23 - Styled the programming page.
07/7/23 - Added record player images to the record collecting page. Styled the record collecting page.
07/11/23 - Styled the Film/TV page.
07/19/23 - Styled the about me page.
07/31/23 - Uploaded the site to Neocities!

Song of the week:

A'Rovin - 97th Regimental String Band